My Favorite Quote

The Possibilities Are Endless!

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

I Did Another Thing


Big Boy Brad

Good Boy Greg was so bored.  He was tired of the games we play all the time.  Even new toys didn't excite him.  All he wanted was for me to stop whatever I was doing and do something with him, even if he didn't really want to do anything, he wanted my full attention.  

Good Boy Greg

Not that I blame him, I'm pretty cool, but dang, I have things I want to do, too.

And I know I said I didn't want another cat, I remember all those things I said...

I got Greg a little brother this weekend. My niece found him for me.  (That girl has the pet connections like crazy.)  after the first night of Greg showing this little 10 week old kitten who was boss, I think he likes him.  He'll be standoffish for a bit, I get it, kitty language and all that, but Brad is not afraid of him one bit.  

So far, Brad is a sweet boy, already knows his name, and loves his cat food,  I feed them together, with separate bowls, of course, and they do fine.  They share a water bowl, which gets refreshed at least 4 times a day, including ice cubes.  Yep, I like my water cold, they probably do, too.

I have a white pleather Big Fat Cat with gray and white details.  Stuffing it tonight.  

Here's some pics I took over the weekend of the Critters I have available right this minute.  If you see anyone you'd like to know more about, check my shop over on FB, and if it's not in there, send me a message!  

The pleather pig is way redder than this shows. 

That's about all of them, for now anyway.  

Play Nice!  xxoo

1 comment:

  1. OMG, Brad is sooooo cute! I love black cats so much.
    I hope he and Greg will become best friends quickly!
