My Favorite Quote

The Possibilities Are Endless!

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Friday and beyond

I did a buncha laundry today.  Met a couple of the residents there.  Here I am trying to be quiet and into myself and the Universe sends me these chatty Cathy's to deal with.  

I was nice, of course, and conversed with them, they were all nice enough.  Met a dog named Sweet Pea, she was a nice dog, little long legged Chihuahua, very mellow.  

Which is how I am feeling, too.  I still have whites to fold, but Greg was napping so sweetly on the warm pile, I had to let him be.  I know, I know...

Saturday:  An open day.  I've had my coffee, my house is in very good order, and I have a little spending money in my pocket.  I will probably stay around home today, thinking about treating myself to some ice cream for tonight.  

But first, a shower!

Sunday was an emotional day.  I cried watching reels, I cried watching heart is just so tender right now...

Monday was another quiet day.  Saw a fox outside my bedroom window!  Only had my "free" phone in the bedroom, so the pic turned out pretty sketchy, but it did really happen.  I turned on the AC because the weather felt very steamy.  I turned it way up before I went to bed, and opened a few windows.  I am really not a fan of A/C, unless it is above 90 outside.

So that brings us to today, which is Tuesday.  Looks like it is going to be a gloriously rainy/thundery day and I am ready for that!  I actually have a couple of projects that I am working on, and that I am happy with.  

This little experiment I am doing for myself...not reaching out to anyone on-line except my kids.  Or business, of course.

What happens when the one that checks in on everyone on a regular basis doesn't?  That's what I'm waiting to find out.  

In the meantime, I hope you understand, I'm not angry with anyone.  I'm not "not talking" because I am upset or trying to get some kind of revenge.  It's just that I've been doling out good energy and positive intentions to these same people, and not getting much in return.  

At the same time, I'm feeling like a bother to them, which may or may not be the case, but that's how I feel, so this is the action I am taking.  

Honestly, it's just time for me to know where I fit in their lives, or if I even do anymore.  I need to know.

Play Nice!  xxoo

Greg got a new bed for his 11th month birthday

Thursday, May 25, 2023

It's been a Week already

 I've already had a shower, got dressed, and drank a pot of coffee.  Well, half a pot, probably.  Ok, 2 cups.  

Looks like I've lost a couple of old friends this week.  It's that Reason, Season, Lifetime thing.  

Is it wrong that I am not more upset?  I did see it coming, though, I think I mentioned it here before. 

 Learning more lessons.  Re-learning some, too.

Like I told my daughter, my circle grows smaller.   My Hermit Mode is almost fully activated.  

Right after I typed this, for some reason I went over to Pinterest, I don't remember what I was going to look for, but this was on my home page:

You can take a look if you want.  It answered some questions I've been having.  And confirmed some feelings I've been having.  

I am probably not very good friend material right now, to be honest.  

There have been a lot of things happen to me in the last two years, and for the most part I just kept putting one foot in front of the other, making the best of every situation as much as I could.  I've kept my faith, I've kept my sobriety.  

If I am going to figure this out, whatever this is, I'm going to have to do by myself.  

That's probably why this fracas with my "friends" didn't upset me.  I'd already removed myself...they simply provided the way.  And it had to get that mean for me to stand my ground, so to speak.  To act like it didn't happen would have been a lie.

And...I have been feeling that my chakras need some help getting realigned.  It's been a hard couple of years for them, too.  

Play Nice!  xxoo

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Ta Da!

 Now, you all know that I got my STUFF back a little bit ago, and along with it was my desk computer.  I have only been using my phone and an Amazon Fire since I left my Hell on Earth.

I hadn't set it up yet because I didn't quite understand how to get the wifi to the computer, but thanks to my super smart SIL, I now have my good old desk computer back up and running.  I am going to have to move a few things around here to make it flow more easily, but I am stoked and ready to do it.

There is something going on across the yard, in the duplex that faces me.  First there was some new furniture being delivered, but there has been a lot of activity and people over there.  I didn't see anyone move out from that unit, but I was never sure who actually lived there.  I don't like to neighbor much, because I like my privacy, but I am curious as to what is going on.  Not enough to go over and ask, though.  (my hunch is Hospice, but I don't know)

Tuesday.  I did get my living room rearranged, didn't need a longer ethernet cable, and I am quite comfortable in my new surroundings. 

Greg had a hey-day during the moving around process.  He was all over everything that was being moved, he was in the closets, underfoot, and even skipped his morning nap!  It was fun, I had 70s music (now called "Oldies," ouch) playing and I was singing and organizing and it was a good day.  We both slept well that night.  

Today I am going to figure out how to move all my important STUFF from my Fire to my computer.  That little piece of technology, while quite limited, was a lifesaver for me the last year...

Today feels like limbo for me.  Tomorrow is payday, so I will have errands to run, chores to do, so I'll be planning that all out.  I guess I am spontaneously relegated...

Play Nice!  xxoo

Here's my new little set up.
Searching for wall art!  

Every single thing I do for myself, big or little, give me such an empowered feeling.  

Thursday, May 18, 2023

Fitting In

 How in the world does a person do that?  Is it easy?  

Or maybe a better question, how do you know if the people you pal around with are really your friend?

Here's where my concerns are.  Every morning as I am having my coffee, I check in with a few family members and friends.  

I find myself wondering, though, what would happen if I didn't do that?  How many days would it take for them to notice that they haven't heard from me?

Or...are they keeping in touch because they might need something from me?  

I want the people that I care about know that I care about them.  But I'm not sure that they care about me the same way.  

In my previous life, there were people that I saw every day of the week.  We laughed together and drank beers together, and I thought we were all friends.  But since I have been gone, not one single one of them have reached out to me, to see if I was ok, what really happened, nothing.  Silence.  *insert crickets*

I understand that they were "his" friends first and foremost.  It jarred me, though.  Did they ever like me?  

I probably shouldn't worry about this, and I really don't "worry," I'm just trying to figure out how to know.  Because now I feel pretty stoopid for caring so much about them.  

Ok, enough about my insecurities.  They only rear their ugly heads once in a great while.  

I made a thing...

I am liking doing these on the canvas.  
This is on a printed canvas. Made for Mary.
It's her two orange cats, Buddy (on the bottom) and Boo.

My kids are coming for a visit from Germany next month.  I haven't squeezed them for about 3 years now, so every day I am getting more and more excited.  I have made something special for both the girls, and am working on a gift for the boy.  

I am so excited for them to see my new place, and to meet Greg.  The oldest knows that "Papa" and I are no longer together, but I don't know if the younger ones know.  I will leave that up to their mother to tell them, and I will give them age appropriate answers to their questions.  

He didn't deserve to be in their lives.  

Ok, before I get too involved in thinking about "that," I will leave you for now.  

Play Nice!  xxoo


Handmade by Cosmo

Friday, May 12, 2023

Friday Again!

 First of all, I can't believe that I didn't update all week!  I went to town on Wednesday for a few things, saw the boys.  I've been home, happy and content...but a little hungry...

While I appreciate the food pantry, last week's haul was pretty slim.  I got really happy watching them load up a bunch of fresh fruits, but sadly most of them had already past their prime.  The black grapes and pineapple were deluxe, though.  

My sister and I are going again today.  We have the first two Fridays of the month.  It goes by alphabet, what letter your last name starts with.  Glad she and I are on the same day!  I will be thankful for and use as much as I can of what they are giving.  And as always, I will share some of mine with my boys. 

I was just getting another cuppa and looked at the just a couple of weeks I will have already been living here for 6 months!  

Curtains for my windows is my next project.  I just had the thought that if I had enough fabric stashed away I could make my own, but I just don't think I have enough fabric that I would actually want curtains made out of.  

I've been toying with a project idea in my head, and actually made a physical piece of what I've been thinking about.

This is one of my kittys, but instead of making a 3D piece, I've stitched it together and stitched it to a stretched canvas.  Keep in mind that this is the first piece (I've started another and attached the ears to the body before putting it on the canvas.  It has some dimension to it, and future pieces will probably incorporate more items in the background, or words, or something.  The possibilities are not endless, but there are a bunch of them!  '

Later...I've had a shower, done all the morning chores and then some, my house is straightened up enough I could invite someone over without worry, as if, ha ha ha ha!  

I am happy to report that Good Boy Greg is healing nicely and feeling so much better!  He still takes his nap in the afternoon, but he's staying in the living room with me instead of the bedroom, which I take as a good sign.  He is also completely transitioned from clay litter to crystal, not Pretty Litter yet, but hopefully soon.  

If you are going to get a kitten or a kitty, don't get the clay litter.  It is so gross.  And I clean the litter box twice a day.  It's the pee part, honestly.  And the Mess!  

Anyway, I better get, gotta do a couple things before I get to Mary's.  

Play Nice!  xxoo

I made this for my Aunt Trish, 
dropped it off at her house, she loved it.  

Friday, May 5, 2023


 Although I am no longer in the working world, I still have a fondness for Friday.  

And I still have a little bit of the let down feeling on Sunday evenings.  

The City-Wide Garage sale for my old town is tomorrow.  I'm not gonna go.  I'd love to, but I'm trying real hard not to be broke.  

Time to really rev up my marketing, yep.  I would love to make some sales.  

I went to Mary's, we took her car to have the battery checked.  It's fine.  Something is draining the battery, but so far two  mechanics can't figure it out.  We are pretty sure it has something to do with the rigged job that David did on the window motor.  It's a mess.  

We went to the food pantry, and scored a buncha fresh fruit and veggies!  Love this time of year!  

A watermelon, a pineapple, some apples, ruby red grapefruits, and black grapes.  Those are my favorite!

Gonna slice and dice some fruits and get them in the fridge.  Got a few ears of corn, too!  What a great snack fest weekend I am going to have!  

I have a couple of frozen chickens in the freezer, I have never cooked an entire chicken, but it's probably not too different than cooking a turkey, and I've cooked lots of turkeys.  

That's it for this Friday.  The rest of this day and weekend, I have no plans, and I love it.  I'll be doing something, though.

Play Nice!  xxoo


I treated myself to a new sweeper.  

Zebra Mini Kitty
Send me a message!  

Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Greg Update, Happy May!

    Our first outing to the vet on Thursday was a success. He endured it like the cool cat he is. He has microscopic mites, got a treatment for that, plus an allergy shot to stop the itching, and he's been great ever since.
My weekend was pretty cool. I stayed in on Saturday, Young Son and Waylon came to visit me, which was cool.  
I made a ton of progress in putting things away this weekend. Gonna do some laundry today, and take a few things up to the freebie table in the office, as well as pay rent.  
I believe I will spend the rest of the day doing something creative. 

This is a beaded bracelet I made from scraps of felt...this idea just popped in my head, and I've worked on a few, still figuring it out...

My sister and I went to a rummage sale on Friday. It was the last day, so grab a bag, fill it up, give them $3 and we're good! I found some treasures!

It is so fancy!
I keep my mouthwash in this.

Handmade Wart Hog. Yes please.

Greg is 10 months old now.  

Play Nice! xxoo