My Favorite Quote

The Possibilities Are Endless!

Thursday, June 1, 2023

Gotta Do Some Things

Looks like I am venturing out into the world today...well, just to town.  Time for a haircut and a few other errands. But just had a thought, I gotta go to town on Friday...better see if my hair girl is working on Friday.  

Eh, maybe I'll go ahead and go today.  I mean, it's raining, but that won't hurt me.

Thursday Morning

Morning chores are finished, I'm settling down with a hot cuppa (more on that later) to dump my thoughts here.

Turns out I did go out in the world yesterday.  I had a haircut (love my badass hairstylist).  She's my "bartender" since I don't drink anymore.  Ha ha.  Then I dropped some donations at the Thrift Store, stopped by my sister's to pick up and drop off a package.  Got some gas ($3.17), made one more stop, then headed home.  Home before noon.  Hoot.  But then...

Around 2:00 a cuppa sounded pretty good, so I went to prepare...the water gushed straight from the tank to my counter top.  To be fair, I got it used from a good friend, and I have used the heck out of it since December.  It's had a couple of leaking issues, but this was the doozy.  

So, no sweat, I'll just buzz up to the DG (yeah, the one I hate).  One choice, and I had to move a cart of goods to even find it.  $26.  For goodness sakes.  

I didn't want to risk going to see if there was one at the thrift store, and have to come back to DG, nor did I want to drive to town and take the chance of running into people I might have to converse with, wasn't feeling that, so...$26 later, I have a brand new, albeit unplanned, coffee pot.  

I also toyed with the idea of ordering one that I really wanted from Amazon to be delivered today, but that really wasn't an option.  I enjoy my coffee too much.  And I've already had to go without for 2 days in a row this year and I think that's my quota.  

Inspiration hit me last night, I am working on a new project and I am pretty excited about it.  Hopefully I will finish it today and be able to share with you tomorrow????  That would be cool.  

Mary is coming over for coffee tomorrow.  She hasn't been here for a bit, so I'm looking forward to her seeing how I have the place set up.  I'll tidy up this evening before I go to bed.  

I am feeling a little bit better, mentally, emotionally, baby steps.  I'm thinking there are just a bunch of feelings I haven't allowed myself to feel, so I'm just letting myself be.  I know it will work out.  Like I said, I'm feeling better.

Ok, off I go to work on my project.  Gonna turn on the AC and find an interesting documentary for background noise.  Feed my brain with knowledge while I create. 

Play Nice!  xxoo

Greg got a new bed for his 11 month Birthday.  
He also got a new collar, with a bow tie.  
He is so dapper.  

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