My Favorite Quote

The Possibilities Are Endless!

Friday, September 3, 2021

Just another day

 But it really isn't.  Today is his birthday.  His 66th.  I've not mentioned it nor will I.  

Went up to the golf course to have a couple beers with the boys under the shade tree.  Didn't much acknowledge him there...I mean, if you want to park 5 feet behind me, I'm certainly not going to crane my neck to have a whatever conversation with someone that slams doors and has tantrums over hearing the word "stuff."  

Honestly, I just can't be bothered.  He just asked me a question while slamming his bedroom door in a loud and obnoxious way.  I said, "what, I didn't hear you," but he just kept on walking, cheerily calling the dogs to go sit outside on the patio with him.

Now what I am supposed to do, is to come out to the patio, to try to ease him into a better mood. This whole incident would absolutely be turned around so that I would be defending myself.  He's slick like that.  I have him figured out now, though.  

If I did that, he would immediately go into what I call "Tantrum Protection Mode."  I wouldn't get a word in edgewise, and he'd feel free to yell at me.  And when he "yells at me" I mean he is down right mean.

He:  Why don't you just go to bed? (at 7:30.  I'm not going out to the family room for TV tonight.)
He:  Why are you still in my house?
He:  Don't you want a boyfriend that you want to do things with? 

So, nope, not going out there right this minute, or anytime soon.  I am my number 1 priority right now.  And I know that things out there are aligning for me.  I know that everything is going to happen at the exact time it is supposed to happen.  

I found out earlier today that one of my closest friends has been reading my blog.  Hey, Pambler!  Just knowing that she knows what's really going on around here, she's local, and she's loyal, is a comfort to me.

There are a few of my friends that I confide in, mostly cyber friends and of course my Darlin' Danielle. I know I'm in a needy place right now and I appreciate the support.  It/I won't always be like this.  I am thinking positive thoughts about my next move, because come on, we all know it's coming.  It has to.

Play Nice!  xxoo

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