Synchronicity - Just yesterday I was thinking as I was putting things where they belong, "I have a lot of 1 yds of fabric...I wish I had a simple pattern to make some tops.
Boom - Last night I found the perfect pattern, and it is printing out now, in all it's PDF glory.
My little family in Germany are coming for a visit in June! I haven't seen them for 3 years, and we really don't video chat very often. Times are different, they are SO I am really looking forward to this visit.
The Twins were 2, and Delightful was 9 when they left, I watched the babies grow to toddlers in person, from then on it was all in photos, and they have all changed so much, but have remained the same, somehow. Phew, are they gonna get squeezed!
I was a little stymied with getting all my sewing supplies put away, but the solution was right in my kitchen, again, with the synchronicity...I had started looking for a small craft cart, but somehow I ended up with one through the move...I don't remember owning this before, but that doesn't matter. I have it now and it will be the solution I was looking for.
So, now that I've found that pattern, I am gonna want to get my fabric and sewing machine out, but I can't yet because of all the other things that need to be put away, which is great incentive for me to do that so I can do that.
I posted some LLBean khaki slacks on Mercari yesterday. I posted a Mini Kitty on Instagram/FB yesterday.
Norm the Maintenance Guy just came and went, had to replace a filter.
Play Nice! xxoo