My Favorite Quote

The Possibilities Are Endless!

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Friday and beyond

I did a buncha laundry today.  Met a couple of the residents there.  Here I am trying to be quiet and into myself and the Universe sends me these chatty Cathy's to deal with.  

I was nice, of course, and conversed with them, they were all nice enough.  Met a dog named Sweet Pea, she was a nice dog, little long legged Chihuahua, very mellow.  

Which is how I am feeling, too.  I still have whites to fold, but Greg was napping so sweetly on the warm pile, I had to let him be.  I know, I know...

Saturday:  An open day.  I've had my coffee, my house is in very good order, and I have a little spending money in my pocket.  I will probably stay around home today, thinking about treating myself to some ice cream for tonight.  

But first, a shower!

Sunday was an emotional day.  I cried watching reels, I cried watching heart is just so tender right now...

Monday was another quiet day.  Saw a fox outside my bedroom window!  Only had my "free" phone in the bedroom, so the pic turned out pretty sketchy, but it did really happen.  I turned on the AC because the weather felt very steamy.  I turned it way up before I went to bed, and opened a few windows.  I am really not a fan of A/C, unless it is above 90 outside.

So that brings us to today, which is Tuesday.  Looks like it is going to be a gloriously rainy/thundery day and I am ready for that!  I actually have a couple of projects that I am working on, and that I am happy with.  

This little experiment I am doing for myself...not reaching out to anyone on-line except my kids.  Or business, of course.

What happens when the one that checks in on everyone on a regular basis doesn't?  That's what I'm waiting to find out.  

In the meantime, I hope you understand, I'm not angry with anyone.  I'm not "not talking" because I am upset or trying to get some kind of revenge.  It's just that I've been doling out good energy and positive intentions to these same people, and not getting much in return.  

At the same time, I'm feeling like a bother to them, which may or may not be the case, but that's how I feel, so this is the action I am taking.  

Honestly, it's just time for me to know where I fit in their lives, or if I even do anymore.  I need to know.

Play Nice!  xxoo

Greg got a new bed for his 11th month birthday

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