My Favorite Quote

The Possibilities Are Endless!

Saturday, February 4, 2023

No Alarm Saturday

 A few things have transpired over the last couple of days, my finances are tight, once again.  Everything is just so ding dang expensive out there!  Trust me when I say, as a senior, I am thankful for the mostly healthy vessel I am traveling in, I don't have a large need for medicine.  I believe in comparison to some of my peers, I am blessed because DANG medicine is so expensive!  

Whoever is in charge of this place we are living is not doing a very good job for the little people that live here, too.  Shame on them, whoever they are.  Greedy.  Greedy is what they are, and mean.  

I believe in Karma.  

Anyway, moving forward...

So much food from the food pantry!  I gave most of mine to the boys, but I did keep out a few things.  Some Crescent rolls to bake, because they are a nice Sunday morning treat, and almost as fancy as a Croissant.

From where I sit at my kitchen table, I have a big window to my right.  Directly in my sight is what I believe to be a Mulberry Tree in the neighbor's backyard.  I am anticipating a nice zing of color right there this Spring, and will share a pic in all it's glory.


That same neighbor also has 2 raised garden spots where I can see them.  I hope they grow tomatoes and zucchini, and I hope they share.  Gotta get a little bistro set for my front porch area.


So, the alarm thing.  I believe I mentioned here the I've been thinking about not living by the clock so much, anyway...

Last night I turned off the alarm for today.  I woke up once at 2, went back to sleep, and slept very well until 8:51.  Greg was next to me, started purring the moment I woke up.  What a great start to the day.  We schmoozed for a minute, I went to the bathroom (less dizzy than yesterday so far) did the morning things, he had brekkie, I had meds and coffee, he's playing now, I'm doing this, guys, this is the life, I'm telling you.  

So, with visions of round burnings dancing in my head, due to tight finances, I will be working on a couple of small trays I already have this weekend, patterns yet to be determined.  These are a little challenging, with the edge around the tray, but it can, has, and will be done.  Still have a couple Kitties to stuff and finish, and stitching on a different Critter that will be unveiled soon.  It's one I've made before, but now with a little more "horsepower."

 This is "April Showers"
She's finished, ready for her close-up.

I was pretty unsteady on my feet yesterday, Mary and I went to the new Dollar General in town.  We have 3 for a population of 10,000.  The new one is nice, cleaner than the old one, which was the oldest one,'s all self check out, and if you want the cashier, you hit the button on the screen and wait...and wait...and, well, you get it.  Anyway, besides it being on "his" side of town, which I hate to go to, I like both of the other DGs better.  

Mary suggested I get a cane, just in case, which isn't a bad idea, but have you priced one lately?  Jeez Louise, us poor folk gotta go walk in the wood to find a suitable dead branch...wait, that actually sounds cool.  My son has woods right behind his house.  I could take the bark off of it, and I could burn some cool designs on it.


Hoping that the dizziness can be attributed to my being stoopid (for the last time) and letting my thyroid meds lapse, I can see my vision clearing up a bit already.  I could actually read the TV last night.  

I learned that all light bulbs are not created equal now.  Thinking I had ordered just regular, generic light bulbs, I ended up with "daytime" bulbs which, in my opinion, do not mesh with "regular" light bulb light, nor do I care for the light they put out.  Gotta read the fine print, kids, even if it takes making the font bigger on your phone, like an old person.  Oh, wait...yeah, I am an old(er) person and I did have to enlarge my font.  So be it.  

Just got a mystery package in the mail, from "Online Seller."  I think I have gotten everything I have ordered, so what could it be?  


Oh yeah, it was Greg's flea collar for this coming season.  I do not mess around with fleas.

Need any?  The food pantry gave this to me.
Mary got one, too.
I can't eat that much spaghetti,
but I'm dang sure safe from vampires!

Play Nice!  xxoo

P.S.  I think the egg craze may be over, they gave us 4 dozen each yesterday. 

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